Blueberry Lemon Balm

Blueberry + Lemon Balm is such an exquisite combo! It's like an iced tea in booch form: A berry sweetness with a delicate citrus note and a hint of tart. Bonus: Lemon Balm also has heart benefits and calming properties!

Tea Base: Sencha or any other good quality green tea (5 tbsp of loose-leaf total, per 1 gallon of spring water)
Second ferment ingredients (per 12 oz bottle): Fresh organic blueberries (1.5 tbsp); Lemon Balm tea leaves (1 tsp).

Brew your kombucha to your usual tart/sweet preference.

In a bowl, mash up your blueberries, then add the lemon balm leaves to the mix and incorporate well.
Add the mixture, via funnel, into your bottle of choice, and pour in your finished kombucha. Seal tightly, label and date, and set in your kitchen cabinet for about 3 days. Refrigerate, and enjoy!

There will be bits of leaves floating around in your finished brew, so before serving, be sure to strain out the pieces using a fine mesh strainer.


If you're just starting your home-brewing journey, be sure to check out our selection of home-brewing essentials, including kits and scobys!