Magical Matcha Mint Lime

Matcha is one of those ingredients that just seems to marry effortlessly with different foods: From lattes to ice cream, smoothies, baked goods, and now... kombucha! You will definitely be able to taste that distinct sweet/earthy green tea matcha flavor in this brew, and the addition of pineapple and pink lemon will give it a juicy, soft kick! Matcha is a great detoxifier, so this is definitely a brew with benefits.


Tea Base: Sencha + Assam + Jasmine tea (5 tbsp of loose-leaf total, in equal parts of each tea, per 1 gallon of spring water)
Second ferment ingredients (per 12 oz bottle): Organic matcha powder (1 tbsp); Pineapple syrup (1/2 tbsp); Fresh mint (1 tsp); Pink aka Eureka lemon juice (to taste).

Brew your kombucha to your usual tart/sweet preference. For this batch, we used a blend of loose-leaf Sencha, Assam tea and a little bit of Jasmine tea to give the flavor a light floral note.

Grab a small mixing bowl and combine your matcha with pineapple syrup. To make the pineapple syrup, please view our recipe for Lavender syrup, here. You will simply need to replace lavender buds with mashed pineapple. The rest of the preparation and ratios stay exactly the same.

Squeeze the juice from 1/2 of a pink lemon (you can also use regular lemon if you can't get your hands on the pink variety) into a separate bowl, making sure to avoid dropping in the seeds. Add 1/2 of the lemon juice (about 1/4 tsp) into the matcha, the mint and pineapple syrup mixture, incorporate and taste. Keep adding the lemon juice in small amounts to find your preferred level of acidity.

Once you're ready to bottle, get a funnel and your bottle of choice, and begin adding the mixture via the funnel, using a teaspoon, into your bottle. You will have some of the mixture remaining on the sides of your funnel, which you will be able to wash down with the finished kombucha, once you start pouring it into your bottle, via the same funnel.
Seal tightly, label and date, and set in your kitchen cabinet for about 4 days.

The matcha will settle to the bottom of the bottle, but you can gentle swish it around when you are ready to consume it, after you've refrigerated it.

If you're just starting your home-brewing journey, be sure to check out our selection of home-brewing essentials, including kits and scobys!

Stacy Gueraseva